Jan 30, 2011

happy cny, everybody

hehe, after tomorrow my happy cny holiday going to start,
sorry for didnt update my blog for so long long long and long time ar...
nothing chged much in this year,

but it does exists something worth to be happy

-my dearsest family stayed healthy and happy

-my sweet frenz were prettier and more handsome,
and my class was came in a new student, she called "shiok"

-i gain much in this happy new year, my dad gave me 1,000 ang pau and sponser1,200 for my new electronic dictionary, my lovely dad....awwwwwww

- and we both(me and desmond) were develop soomthly, stepping forward to 1 yr anniversary,
preparing suprise yarx

-"devil" was out of my life now ^_^Y

but it did exists unhappy thingy

-our class teacher had been chged, not bad,but getting tired for chging teacher none stop

-this year sitting for SPM, getting buzier

-me and shan wei d relationship was become worse

(blah, blah, blah, blah, blah......)

tomorrow midnight  going  depart to Thailand la....
To-do list,
1) buy two boxes of pork maggie (Thai la of coz) for my fatty miki
2)buy souvernir for my dearest frenz
   (1) the 14 doggie
   (2) hew yan,hew heng, ling kew, shiok, lewon, dian yi and hmmmmm ar yup!share hou ^^ and so on la
   (3)chee yung and his parents

*and last sorry for ling kew becoz ffk u so many times
-the end-

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